Do you fear other peoples opinions?
Aug 17, 2020If you're watching this video now and you're in a job nine to five or you're in a corporate world, probably the number one fear that you've got is what is it your boss is going to think? What is it your peers are going to think of you being out there online? And I've just got off this call with a client of mine in New York. And she has been spending, the best part of twenty five years in that job that you might be in or that corporate world. And the number one fear she had was what her boss was going to say about what it is she's doing when he found out. And maybe you can relate to this, too. So I want to share with you the advice I've been giving her and coaching her to be able to transition online.
Hi, my name is Jimmi Bradbury, I'm an international executive business coach and I'm also the founder of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. And welcome to my kitchen table. This is where I've been working for the last three years, building online courses and programs and now coaching people from all around the world on how to do it.
It's just after nine a.m. in the morning and out in New York, it's just gone seven o'clock. And I've been coaching one of my clients in Manhattan. She's a very famous person in the fashion and style industry to put together over twenty five years of knowledge that she's got and built up into an online course and being able to share with the world. That will impact so many people, like thousands of people around the world. But I want to share with you what it is she struggles with. This is probably one of the greatest things that people struggle with and fear when they are in that nine to five job or in that corporate world. And, for me, if I was in that corporate job now, I probably, if I'm honest with you, struggle and fear this thing that I'm going to talk to you about. But just for me, I lived and worked in the corporate world for twenty five years, and for most of it, it was good and I enjoyed it. But I struggled with the number one thing that a lot of people struggle with, which is you trading your time for money, the paycheck or the fee at the end of the day. But three years ago I transitioned online and I saw all these people sharing the knowledge and experience and really doing well from it. And I thought that might be something I'll enjoy doing. But the first year was really difficult. And I got to the point where after a year, it was something I was actually contemplating seriously about getting out and giving up. And a lot of it had to do with I didn't know the path and I decided to invest in a coach. And then after spending time with a coach, they showed me the path of how it is you could be successful online. And then last year I launched my Young Entrepreneurs Academy online course. Then in the first six months, over six hundred people from all around the world had joined. But for a lot of people, the challenge of going online is really, really difficult. And a lot of it has to do with fear, fear of what other people might think, fear of their own beliefs that they can't do it. But if you're watching this video now and you're in a job nine to five or you're in a corporate world, probably the number one fear that you've got is what is it your boss is going to think? What is it your peers are going to think of you being out there online? And I've just got off this call with a client of mine in New York. So I want to share this with you. And she has been spending the best part of twenty five years in that job that you might be in or that corporate world. And the number one fear she had was what her boss was going to say about what it is she's doing when he found out. And maybe you can relate to this, too. So I want to share with you the advice I've been giving her and coaching her to be able to transition online. And a big part of what I do is helping people through the challenges and fears that they create into their own life about certain things that takes them outside the comfort zone. So her fear was telling her boss. So I'm going to share with you three ideas today that I helped her eventually make that conversation happen and then the outcome.
So the first thing you need to do is if you are serious about transitioning online or if you're serious about doing anything beyond your comfort zone, is to communicate with the people that might be involved, what it is you're planning on doing, communicating in a way that they're educated, that they understand what it is you're trying to do. So educate, don't just talk and put out some words, but educate them around what it is you're trying to do. So that's number one. And number two is not only educate them, but get them to understand what it is you're trying to do. So the concept of transitioning online, I know for a lot of people it is a very big concept. It certainly was for me when I started in the online world three years ago to do what you've been doing for twenty five years and then to do something completely different. That concept was very big for me. But if you can try and communicate that in a way that breaks it down in that way, you're trying to. Do is your take your knowledge and experience that you've built up over the years, whether it's playing the piano, whether it's in a profession, whether it's a doctor or a yoga teacher and an actor or a or a physiotherapist, all these people that I'm working with today, an Olympic athlete and a general and in the army, all these people can work, whatever it is. You've got a particular passion for what you enjoy doing. Try and communicate that to the people that you're telling your message to in a way that they understand what it is you're trying to do,take that knowledge and experience, put it together digitally in an online course, and then be able to promote it online around the world that can impact people. Just try and break it down into those few chunks so that you're when you're talking to them, you're educating them so that they understand what you're trying to do. And then the third thing is that they become aware. They become aware of an opportunity that maybe maybe they might be interested in doing as well. The goal is not actually to get them into the opportunity, but just to make them aware,because you could be surprised by what the outcome is going to be. Again,going back to the coin I've just been working with in New Yorkwhen she managed to take these three steps, the results were amazing because her boss that she feared about telling them about what it is she's doing in transitioning online said, well, can you help me build my personal website? Can you help me build my LinkedIn profile?Can you help me build my Facebook profile? It was amazing because what he had was a situation where he had all these followers that were just racking up these numbers on LinkedIn and Facebook, but none of them were engaged because he wasn't doing certain things or he hadn't got a website that he could and refer them to. So now she's helping him, her boss, build his own personal website, build his own and social media profiles properly. And it has amazing outcomes. And the final piece was that in her online course when she launched that he would love to be interviewed by her for the course is not just powerful,but these are the things that happen when you get beyond your fears,get outside your comfort zone and start communicating about what it is you're trying to do. It helps you break through your fears. OK, so I hope you got value from that and it helps. You would probably have a big fear that you've got right now as you watch this video, a fear of telling people about what it is you want to do. It doesn't have to be justa bout transitioning online. It might be something that you just really want to do, but are uncomfortable telling people it's important that you communicate in a way that you actually educate them so they understand and become aware. Hope you've got value from that. And for me, it's about helping people transition online if you are interested. My website is
There's a lot more information about what it is I do there and similar videos and helpful tips and tutorials.
I look forward to meeting you one day in person or virtually and maybe in one of my programs or in my groups and wherever you are, keep well, keep safe and I'll talk to you soon.
Bye bye.
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