How to have more clarity and achieve your goals (5 tips)
Dec 27, 2021
Have you ever struggled with clarity in your business, in your career, or in your life? I was giving a talk last week to over 40 people. And the number one problem that most people had was they had a lack of clarity. They felt they didn't have the desire, or they didn't have the drive, or they were just complacent to reach the next level of their success in life.
I help people monetize their knowledge and expertise, and create successful online businesses. And I see so many people today who've got lack of clarity, they want to do better, they want to get forward in life, they want to create an online business, and they just have overwhelmed, or they don't know where to start, or they've got lack of clarity. And I want to share with you today, five ideas of how it is you can get clarity back in your life.
Number one- you need to understand why you're doing something.
What is it that makes you light up every day? What is your passion? What is it something that you really enjoy doing when you find your why in life, then everything else flows from that. It makes things much more enjoyable. There's more energy, there's more time in your life, there's more flow, there's more clarity, but it all starts with your why not somebody else's, but your why.
Number two- it is important that we set goals
We set not just weekly, or monthly or quarterly, but we also set daily goals because we know that when we set goals in our lives, there's something to aim for. And I know that for a lot of people, they just drift through life because they don't have any goals set. So it's really important that you set goals for yourself. Because we know that when we win the day, we win the week, we win the month, we win the quarter, but we must have those goals, something to strive for in our life.
Number three, we need to have daily activities that work us towards that goal
Really, really important activities that are clearly set out each day so that we're intentional about how it is we live our day, how it is we work towards those goals. So that's really important that we have activities daily in our lives. And really be clear about what those are.
Number four, we need to have accountability.
We are all human beings. And we can all only reach a certain limit on our own. We need to have that accountability. We need to make sure that the somebody's helping us achieve those activities, implement those activities that help us move towards our goals, whether that's a mentor, whether it's a coach, whether it's a group of people, whether it's friends, whether it's work colleagues, whether it's family, it's important that we have a group, or an individual who's helping us become accountable.
Number five, really important that we're intentional about our day
That our activities are scheduled, we have a routine, whether that's a morning routine, whether that's an afternoon routine, or whether that's an evening routine. I know for me, every morning, I've got a daily routine, it helps me set myself up for the day, I become more intentional, I am able to plan out my day better. And I'm also clearer about what it is I want to achieve. I don't always achieve it in the day, but at least I'm unclear. And I've got intention about what it is I want to do in my day.
So to recap, if you want to become more clear in your life, number one, understand why your why what it is that makes you come alive everyday. Where is your passion? What is it that you really, really enjoy doing? Number two really important that we set goals. Those goals don't need to be just monthly or quarterly goals. But we need to have weekly and we need to have daily goals. Number three, we need to have daily activities that help us work towards those goals. Number four, it's really important that we have accountability, whether that's a coach, whether it's a mentor, whether it's a group of friends, whether it's work colleagues, we can't do this on our own, we need to have that support. And we need to have that accountability. And number five really important that we're intentional about how it is we live our day each day and that will help us work towards our goals. It will help us get more clarity it will be able to help us plan out our day. We're able to plan out our day we're able to plan our week, and all of a sudden we're moving quickly towards our goals.
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