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The Challenges of finding some personal time when.............................My Personal Blog 22nd February

books competition onlinecourse personalblog photo podcast wine youngentrpreneursacdemy Feb 22, 2019

   'Living the Life you Imagine'

Personal Highlights of the Week

Hi All!.............

Hope you are having a good week. I have to admit the last month since returning from America has been a real struggle as I build an additional new brand – The Young Entrepreneurs Academy - to site alongside my business coaching and training. But I believe when we are really challenged in life and reach out, it is amazing how so many people will support you. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of people who have stepped forward to help both in the schools I am teaching the Academy in Australia and in the focus group I am putting together to help take the Academy online and so hopefully impact many kids around the world – Big dreams come with big challenges! But every day I remember to be grateful for doing what I love to do, surrounded by great people – This is the greatest time ever to be alive.

Have you ever wished your kids learnt more about the life skills needed today rather than what the education system currently teaches in schools. If you are interested then...I putting together a group of people to contribute to the online version of my Young Entrepreneurs Academy program that I am currently teaching in schools in Australia. If you would like to be part of this group that starts next week, please click on the this link for details https://www.jimmibradbury.com/young-entrepreneurs-academy-beta-group

Thank you for your support since I started this weekly blog last year………………                    

As always please share my blog and social media posts with all your friends as that is how we build a community. Also I would love to hear your feedback, comments and suggestions of content for future weeks

In the meantime in between my hectic current schedule here are some of the things I personally enjoyed doing last week.


  1. Book I am reading…..

One the best books I have read in recent years and so, so appropriate for today….

Scale or Fail

By: Allison Maslan - Published: 30th November 2018 




Scaling a business is not for the faint of heart. It’s a mind-bending journey that causes millions of business owners around the globe to either throw in the towel or avoid risk entirely and suffer from smallness and mediocrity.

Most of these businesses fail because they are ill prepared to face the real challenges involved in scaling. Either they don’t have the bandwidth to keep up with the sales demand or production, miss out on major opportunities due to fear, or keep making the same mistakes over and over because systems and processes aren’t in sync with the rate of growth.

To truly scale, you must upsize your strategic practices, implement new marketing strategies, find new ways to build your team, and expand your mindset to break through whatever is keeping you stuck at the same level. Then you must be willing to take the leap into the giant unknown – to make your impossible possible.

In Scale or Fail, author Allison Maslan—who has successfully scaled ten companies from scratch and has guided thousands of small businesses to do the same—shares her revolutionary SCALEit Method for successfully growing, replicating, and expanding your business. She also shares pivotal mindset strategies she’s used to break the fear barrier as a trapeze artist so you can move past any obstacle, take strategic Big Picture risks, and fulfil your dreams of business expansion and skyrocketing profit.

The book features a wealth of real-life success stories, visual tools, and exercises that are prescriptive and inspirational, Scale or Fail offers proven scaling strategies and a proactive approach

#scaleorfail; # AllisonMaslan  


  1. Podcast I am Following…

Marie Forleo


Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and one of Inc.’s 500 fastest growing companies, Marie Forleo’s goal is to help you become the person you most want to be. In her podcast Marie and her guests share actionable strategies for greater happiness, success, motivation, creativity, productivity, love, health, contribution and fulfilment — often with a lot of laughs. From business, marketing and career advice, to tackling failure, disappointment and fear, to philanthropy and doing our part to make the world a more loving, just and equitable place — Marie covers it all. Get inspired, grow stronger, more confident and create a business and life you genuinely love.                                                        



  1. Music I am Listening to……

Hozier – Wasteland, Baby



Though my musician friends in Ireland I managed to get to hear the new album from Hozier even though his new album ‘Wasteland, Baby’ is not due for release until the 1st March

Following last year’s ‘Nina Cried Power’ EP, the Irish musician’s self-titled, debut album – featuring the huge ‘Take Me To Church – arrived back in 2014.

‘Wasteland, Baby’ will feature 14 tracks and opens with the previously-released tracks ‘Nina Cried Power’ featuring Mavis Staples, and ‘Movement‘. Other track titles include ‘To Noise Making (Sing)’, and ‘Be’. My favourite track is ‘Dinner & Diatribes’.

“I came in from the outside / Burned out from a joyride / She likes to roll here in my ashes anyway,” Hozier sings during the opening of the gospel-influenced cut ‘Almost’.

The inclusion of the ‘Nina Cried Power’ tracks, along with the artwork design, suggests that the musical style offered on the previous EP will continue on the full-length.



  1. Photograph that inspired me……………

This is a photograph that was recently taken of me speaking to over 1,000 people in a school in Australia........




 #people; #speaking; #speaking


  1. Wine that surprised me 

Sangiovese Romagna 2017 from the Provenza Vineyards



While we usually think of Sangiovese as a wine from Tuscany region around Florence, this version comes from closer to the Eternal city of Rome. Its one of the most food friendly wines in the world with flavours and aromas that complement an enormous range of cuisines …especially Italian.

The colour is gorgeous …deep, dark ruby red, which promises a full bodied experience on the palate. Colour intensity pays off when you sip, offering intense fruit, dominated by ripe strawberry, a hint of melon and spicy notes as well. The flavours spread out across the back of the tongue for a long, lingering finish.

Sangiovese is the wine to drink with classic Italian dishes and red sauce and of course with a dash of parmesan cheese and perhaps just a dash of crushed red pepper.

      #wine; #sangiovese                                        


Competition This Week




To enter a draw to receive a bottle of the wine reviewed above and shipped to anywhere in the world, please send your favourite Valentines Day photo to us here at support @jimmibradbury.com and the winner will be announced next week


Quote that I treasure —

We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.….

-  President John F Kennedy – 12th September 1962


And, as always…………………..

 I would be grateful for your feedback on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube

What do you want more or less of?

Other suggestions?

Let me know! Just send an email to jimmi@jimmibradbury.com.

Have a wonderful week!

Live the Life You Imagine!

- Jimmi




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